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Thursday, October 1, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary with meaning and example sentences in English DAY 55

Resemblance meaning and sentences Dab meaning & sentences Starving meaning &  sentences Absurd meaning & sentences Efforts meaning & sentences

Hi Again I am back with new set of words that I came across this week, let me know the the new words that you have come across and would like to share with our beez family in comment section or at or Facebook or Instagram pages


When you find someone or something that looks like each other or similar looking you can use this word

Like in Family, when Father and son looks alike and have same appearance they resembles

You can use it this way

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How to reply to Thank you in Formal & Informal/casual ways with example sentences

Hi again I am back with a new topic in which we will be learning how to reply to thank you in different ways

We mostly find our self in such situation where we get confused what to reply to someone when he she say thank you.

Most commonly used phrases that, we have heard people saying are 
- Welcome
-No problem
- It's OK 

So today I will be covering few different to reply to thank you. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary with meaning and example sentences in English DAY 54

Manifest meaning and sentences Wacky meaning & sentences  Destiny meaning &  sentences  Deformed meaning & sentences Sideline meaning & sentences
1. Manifest
Now this one has different meanings
- Things that are easy to understand or recognize
Something that is obvious, distinct, plain, clear
- something that shows clear signs may be though actions 

You can use it this way

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Everyday Basic English phrases and expressions part 4

Everyday Basic English phrases and expressions part 4Hello Again i'm back with part 4 of every day English phrases that you can use in your day to day life 

I have already covered three parts and if you haven't read it yet, I will leave a link for all the parts at the end

I will be coming up with more parts of commonly used phrases, if you have any phrase or any suggestion do let me know in the comment section

1.Take it easy
Take it easy simply means not to worry much and relax or rest
- Take it easy, he will score good in his mid terms

Sunday, June 21, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary with meaning and example sentences in English DAY 53

Replicate meaning and sentences Nostalgic meaning & sentences  Unbiased meaning &  sentences  Conquer meaning & sentences Weakling meaning & sentences
1. Replicate
Replicate mean to make a copy of something in exact same way, 
its like copying the original 

In simple words to duplicate,copy or remake of something 

It can be close to the original design.

You can use it this way 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How to overcome the fear of speaking in English and start speaking English confidently Part 1

How to overcome the fear of speaking in English and start speaking English confidently Part 1/ Task 1
Start loving the language
The first rule to start learning is to start loving the language that you wanna learn.

This article will only help you only if you start loving the language and if you desperately wanna learn this language.

You need start working on it today not tomorrow not on any specific date but today

Don't be scared on how people will react, on

Saturday, June 13, 2020

5 Interesting Slang words Day 52

1. Faffing Slang meaning and sentences  2. Peanuts Slang meaning and sentences   3. Sorted Slang meaning and sentences  4. For real Slang meaning and sentences 5. Dapper Slang meaning and sentences
1. Faffing
Faffing meas doing useless task that has no use or no a waste of time

You can use it this way

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Words you can use Instead of Very part 3 with sentences

Words you can use Instead of Very part 3 with sentences Words you can use Instead of Very part 3 with sentences  Words you can use instead of Very cold  Words you can use instead of Very handsome  Words you can use instead of Very curious  Words you can use instead of Very Dull  Words you can use instead of Very Creative

So here I'm back with part 3 of words you can use instead of Very words.

Very cold
words you can use instead

(Freezing, icy, Chilled)
let's look at an example and compare

Sunday, June 7, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary with meaning and example sentences in english DAY 51

1. Frills
A) Frills are extra thing that are used to make thing attractive, add some excitement. Something that is fancy.

B) A cloth that is attached as an decoration usually narrow at the end of dress.

You can use it this way

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Popular idioms with meaning and sentences (Part 2)

Popular idioms with meaning and sentences (Part 2)    1.Out of Blue english idioms with meaning and sentences   2. Pull yourself together english idioms with meaning and sentences    3. Call the shots english idioms with meaning and sentences  4. Many moons ago english idioms with meaning and sentences    5.Call it a day english idioms with meaning and sentences  5.Hang in there english idioms with meaning and sentences  5.That’s the last straw english idioms with meaning and sentencesHere I'm back with commonly used Idioms part 2 
Today I am going to cover some idioms and their meaning with example sentences 
which we can use in our day to day life

Don't forget to practice it in your day to day life and now when you hear it you will know the meanings .....

So let's start with today's idioms

1. Out of Blue
When things happen suddenly and unexpectedly you can use this phrase 

- One day out of blue he came and asked me about that trip

Sunday, May 31, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with example sentences in english DAY 50

Stumbled meaning and sentences Behalf meaning & sentences Alliance meaning &  sentences  Loner meaning & sentences Situation meaning & sentences
1. Stumbled

This one has different meanings
a) When you are waking and you trip or you Step unsteadily  that you may fall while running or walking is called stumble

b) To make a mistake while speaking (like repeating words)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Different ways to say No ...Everyday Basic english Phrases

Different ways to say No....Everyday Basic english PhrasesThere are times when we all have have to say NO

It's easy to say NO in our own local language....but when it comes to say NO in english we usually end up with one phrase that we commonly here or use.

So in this article today I'm going to cover different ways to say NO in english

So let's start with our today's lesson ....don't forget it to practice it after reading in your daily conversations.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 49

English  Meaning of  Delegate  in English Sentences of  Delegate  in English  english at beez vita
When one gets injured or hurt the tear or cut on skin is called wound.

It can be due to fight, accident, any medical reason like surgery or injection or any other violence 

You can use it this way

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions part 3

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions part 3So here I'm with
part 3 of everyday basic english phrases and expressions... 

This are few more common phrases which you can use in your day to day life.... I will be coming up with more parts of phrases ...if you want me to add any phrase in next part do let me know in comment section

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 48

Meaning of vague in English Sentences of vague in English  Meaning of Humble in English Sentences of Humble in English  Meaning of Reconvene in English Sentences of Reconvene in English  Meaning of Elderly  in English Sentences of Elderly  in English  Meaning of  Unfold  in English Sentences of  Unfold  in English  english at beez vita

When  something is unclear , not clearly explained, decided or know you can use the word vague.

You can use it this way

1. Why is everything so vague and confusing here?

2. He vaguely

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Difference between and How to use Get in vs Get on and Get off vs get out

Difference between and How to use Get in vs Get on and Get off vs get out   Difference between and How to use Get in vs Get on and Get off vs get out Cars Vans Taxis Bus, airplane, boat bike motorcycle  in english  english speaking learn english
Do you get confused which one to use


Than this article is for you....It will help you clear all your doubts about which one to use 

Even I use to get confused a lot before but now I have got some tricks and rules
which will help you figure out which one to use and when

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to order food on phone in english

How to order food on phone in english basic english phrases in english simple  at Beez Vita  english speaking activities for beginners topics at home daily routine dialogues exercise grammar
Have you ever tried ordering food 
on phone in english

If not this is the time....

No matter how hard we
try learning english
but while speaking

we still get a little nervous
so here are few common
phrases you can use will ordering food on phone in english
........don't forget speak with confidence no matter how
nervous you are from inside

Practice is the key to Success

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 47

Today's Words 1. Slack meaning and sentences  2.Hotchpotch meaning and  sentences   3. Judge meaning and sentences    4. judging meaning and sentences    5.  Favor  meaning and sentences   4.  woe  meaning and sentences meaning and example sentence in english
1. Slack

This one has different meaning
a) Something that is not
tight or loose is called as slack, 
So when you find something loose you can use this word (mostly rope)

b) something that is

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Popular idioms with meaning and sentences (Part 1)

Popular idioms with meaning and sentences (Part 1)  1.Take a hike english idioms with meaning and sentences  2. Spill the beans english idioms with meaning and sentences  3. Hit the books english idioms with meaning and sentences   4. Golden goose english idioms with meaning and sentences  5. Better late than never english idioms with meaning and sentences
Idioms are very common and are used in regular and familiar conversation, so today I am going to cover few idioms and their meaning

You can use this idioms is daily conversations both written and spoken English for practice.....

So let's start with today's  idioms

Learn and practice these Idioms and use this in your daily life

1.Take a hike
When you want someone to leave or go away in a rude way you can use this phrase 

- This is my seat - take a hike

Sunday, April 26, 2020

5 interesting Slang words with meaning and sentences DAY 46

This one has different meaning
A) Slang meaning of lit is exciting ,cool, popping, and fun.
B) past tense of light
C) someone drunk or under influence of 
drugs can be called lit 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 45

Something that is expensive, very costly,
rich looking, luxurious is called sumptuous

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions (part 2)

When it comes to English we get a little nervous so here
are few common phrases
we can use it in our daily in day to day conversation

They’re very common, but they’re used in regular
and familiar conversation, so you can use them in
your daily conversations....
Learn and practice these phrases and expressions,
use this in your daily life

1.Figure something out
When someone says we will figure something out
it means we will find a solution to solve the problem
- Don't worry we will figure it out

5 words of the day 10-06-2019 at Beez vita

Ambiance meaning and sentences  Mumble meaning and sentences  Set up the table meaning and sentences  Assumption meaning and sentences  Beside meaning and sentences
1. Ambiance

When you find some place delightful or the atmosphere of the place relaxed you can use this word. 
The mood, character, quality, tone, air, aura, climate, mood, feel, feeling, vibrations of a place can be called
as Ambiance

You can use it this way

Friday, April 17, 2020

Difference between and How to use This and That

Difference  between and How to use This and That at beez vitaIt sound really simple but yet it's a little confusing while we use This AND That


This is That most common  error and we usually
get confused with while using it.

When something/someone
is to near you or close to you you can use this,
it could be anything an
object,  a person or a place

When something/someone is to far form you can use the word that,it could
 be anything an object, a person or a place

when you are pointing a someone or something out you need
to use the word that

Thursday, April 16, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 44

1. Slog/Slogging
Now this one has different meanings
1. When you work hard on a project for
a long period of time to finish it you
can use this word
In simple words working hard for

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions part 1

When it comes to English we get a little nervous so here are

few common phrases we can use it in our
daily in dayto day conversation

They’re very common, but they’re used
in regular and familiar conversation,

so you can use them in your daily conversations....
Learn and practice these phrases and
expressions, use this in your daily life

1. Can You recommend a good coffee place
When you are new to a

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 43

1. Residual
something that is reaming after
most of it is gone....for example anger,

You can use it this way
1. Residual anger is the reason for

Friday, April 3, 2020

5 interesting Slang words with meaning and sentences day 42

Today's Words1. Flaky meaning and sentences 2. EPIC meaning and sentences 3. Beat meaning and sentences 4.No Biggie meaning and sentences 5. No worries meaning and sentences
When someone or something is unreliable
you can use this word
If someone commits to do something but
rarely follows it he/she is a flaky person.
You can use it this way

Monday, March 30, 2020

This and These

Difference between on This  vs TheseIt sound really simple but yet its a little confusing while we use this to words. 

This and These
This is the most common error, we usually make and get confused with while using it.


               Let us understand it with some examples and uses
This is used for singular objects

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 41

1. Ambitious
A. When someone is having a strong desire and determination to be rich and powerful is called 
ambitious person
B. If a plan or task is ambitious it means it involves

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Test yourself - This Vs These Grammar Quiz

Test yourself  - This Vs These English Grammar Quiz

Test yourself  

Grammar Quiz This Vs this 

Difference between on This vs These

Difference between on This  vs These It sound really simple but yet its a little confusing while we use this to words. 

This and These
This is the most common error, we usually make and get confused with while using it.


               Let us understand it with some examples and uses
This is used for singular objects
This is a pen

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary with sentences DAY 40

it simply means extremely hungry, when one
is very hungry one can use this word

You can use it this way
1. What's for dinner? I am famished
2. After full day of fasting, i was feeling
absolutely famished

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Useful Phrases for travelling by Bus or Train

Useful Phrases for travelling by Bus or Train
Are you a regular traveler? If so, this article is perfect for you! Traveling by bus or train can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you're not confident in your English. But don't worry! Here are some common phrases that you can use in your daily conversations while traveling by bus or train. These phrases are not only useful for travelers but are also excellent for those preparing for the IELTS exam. They cover a variety of scenarios you might encounter while traveling by bus or train, helping you build confidence in your English skills.

1. "Where's the ticket office?"

When you're new at the station and need to buy a ticket, this phrase will help you find the ticket office.

Daily Use English Questions and Answers | Fun Learning for Everyone!

Daily Use English Questions and Answers | Fun Learning for Everyone! Learning English can be fun and easy when you practice with real-life c...