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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Everyday Basic English phrases and expressions part 4

Everyday Basic English phrases and expressions part 4Hello Again i'm back with part 4 of every day English phrases that you can use in your day to day life 

I have already covered three parts and if you haven't read it yet, I will leave a link for all the parts at the end

I will be coming up with more parts of commonly used phrases, if you have any phrase or any suggestion do let me know in the comment section

1.Take it easy
Take it easy simply means not to worry much and relax or rest
- Take it easy, he will score good in his mid terms

- Take it easy, its not that big issue we will solve it.

2. Didn't catch your name
When you don't remember 
 someones name or you don't know someone's name you can ask him or her this way
- Sorry I didn't catch your name, could you please repeat that for me

-Thank you so much for calling, but sorry i didn't catch your name

3. Come again
When you want someone to repeat something you can use this phrase

Like when you are having a conversation with someone and you missed that part or didn't understand what he/she said, you can use this phrase 

- Come again, I did't get you 

- Could you please come again, I was looking away

4. I screwed up
It means you messed up, you made a mistake

- I am so sorry i screwed up your last chance for getting into the party.

- She really screwed up this time by forgetting his birthday.

5. Long time no see
You can use this phrase when you meet someone after long

It could be your friends, family member, colleagues or any know person, who you haven't met for long time 

For replying you can say "Yes it has been long time"

- Hey James long time no see, how have you been

6. May I have the bill/check please
This phrase can be used when you are in a restaurant and you have finished eating and want the waiter to get the bill you can use this phrase

- I have finished my dinner may i have the check please

7. Here you go
When you give someone something that he/she has asked for you can use this phrase
- Here you go, i have made the changes in the papers as requested 

A: Can you pls pass me that cup, please?
  B: Here you go! / There you go

8. What are you up to?
When you wanna ask some some what he is doing lately you can use this phrase 

- Hello Diya! Long time no see! What have you been up to.

- You are always busy now a days what are you up to.

Now for learning its always a two way street ..... so  as now you have read all this sentence and phrases . 

I would like you to frame three sentences and post it in comment section, this way without going anywhere you will practice your spoken English.

Here are the links for Part 1 Part 2 Part 3


  1. this is great stuff. would you have a youtube channel? please share if so

    1. Hii, Glad you liked my blog you can follow Beez Vita on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for regular present I don't have any YouTube channel
      Here is a link for Facebook and insta page :


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