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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions part 3

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions part 3So here I'm with
part 3 of everyday basic english phrases and expressions... 

This are few more common phrases which you can use in your day to day life.... I will be coming up with more parts of phrases ...if you want me to add any phrase in next part do let me know in comment section

Don't forget to practice this phrases after reading

1. That sounds great / good
When you find an idea great or good you can use this phrase.... 

Like you and your friends are planning something and you find the that idea great you can use this phrase.

- A movie sound great to me. 
- Starting with your designing career online sound good.
- Sound Good! Count me in.

2. What does ........ means?
When you don't know something you can use this phrase to ask a question.....
- What does Pricey word means?

- Hey i didn't understood that...what does that mean?

3. Nice to meet you
When you meet someone you can use this the way to greet someone
- I was really nice to meet you.

- Anyways i should leave now, but it was really nice meeting you

4. That' a bit pricey 
When you find something expensive you can use this phrase...

Like if go shopping with your friends and you find some stuff very expensive you can use this phrase.

- That's a little pricey, what do you think
- That's a bit pricey, we should look somewhere else

5. Same as always
This phrase is a most common response to most of the question or compliment

Like when you are asked how was your day today by someone you can use this phrase.
You can use this phrase
- You are looking same as always no change at all

- I am doing good, same as alway

6. I'm good
You can use this phrase in response to how are you ?
- I'm are you?

- I' m good say how's life?

7. I'm so sorry to hear that
When something bad happen or when someone has experienced a loss  you can use this phrase

it's a way to show sympathy for someone's loss when you here something awful
Like when someone says
I've lost my pet ....Have you seen it ?
- Ohh i'm so sorry to hear that...but I haven't seen your pet.

8. Anyways, I should get going
It means now you should leave

Like after having a long conversation with your friend you can use this phrase
- It's too late now,  i should get going

- I should get going, I have a train to catch

Comment below with a sentence for practice and other Common phrases

For more useful Phrases click here

1 comment:

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