1 Exquisite
Extremely beautiful and delicate. Something that is extremely felt used to describe feeling like extreme pain or something that is extreme
2. He was in an exquisite pain.
3. He had an exquisite sense of style.
2 Invincible
When something is too powerful to be defeated or overcome, It may be a person, thing, team or group of people
You can use it this way
1 The team seemed invincible.
2. I would first take Mr. james advice to make myself invincible.
3 Speedometer (in car)
An instrument on a vehicle's dashboard indicating its speed. its the meter that shows you vehicles speed
You can use it this way
1 she glanced at the speedometer several times to make sure that she wasn’t going too fast
3. He had an exquisite sense of style.
2 Invincible
When something is too powerful to be defeated or overcome, It may be a person, thing, team or group of people
You can use it this way
1 The team seemed invincible.
2. I would first take Mr. james advice to make myself invincible.
3 Speedometer (in car)
An instrument on a vehicle's dashboard indicating its speed. its the meter that shows you vehicles speed
You can use it this way
1 she glanced at the speedometer several times to make sure that she wasn’t going too fast
2. You are going to slow ! take a glace at the speedometer.
3. Your car’s speedometer seems to be faulty.
4 Immense
Extremely large or great. You can say ocean as immense
You can use it this way
1 My brother took an immense amount of cake.
2 That game was an immense success.
5 Vivacious
You can describe someone as lively, exciting, and attractive.
You can use it this way
1 . Her sister his vivacious and elegant.
5 Vivacious
You can describe someone as lively, exciting, and attractive.
You can use it this way
1 . Her sister his vivacious and elegant.
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