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Saturday, April 13, 2019

5 words of the day 12-04-2019

1 Glitch
A small problem or fault which stops something from working properly or being successful.

it's usually minor malfunction
it could be Computer fault or something faulty

You can use it this way
1 . Maybe it was just a glitch.

2. a minor glitch has turned into a big problem

3. A technical glitch caused a temporary computer failure.

4. We faced few glitches, but everything else went smoothly.

2 Intrigue
Now this one has two different meanings in different situations
A) To make someone curios a lot, or interested especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious 

or it could be

B) To make a secret plan to do something or harm some one. in simple words to trick someone/ to cheat someone/ or to plot against someone.

You can use it this way
1 The Palace was filled with intrigue.
2. This novel was intrigue

3. You intrigue me! I have never met a person like you before.

4. So she disappeared without trace , I'm intrigued

3 Modesty
Modest is someone or something that is humble or shy.
a person who is polite, humble and down to earth, Not trying to make people notice his abilities and achievements

you can say a person that does not talk much about their abilities or achievements.
You can use it this way
1 Rahul is known for his modesty.

2. Modesty is the ornament of woman.

4 Abort
To cause something to stop or fail before it begins or before it is complete. usually used to stop a process, plan, mission or activity.
In simple words to stop something or to terminate a task
(In medical term -To end a pregnancy before a baby is born.)
You can use it this way
1 The captain instructed us to abort the mission and leave

2 After their car broke down, we had to abort the plans.

5 Tenant 
A person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.
In simple words a person who rents the apartment. 

You can use it this way
1 . james was a very good tenant; he never made noise and paid rent on time

2. The new tenants of the flat above are very noisy.

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