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Monday, April 29, 2019

5 words of the day 28-04-2019

We all use a lot of words in our in our day to day life but in our own language. 

Today I'm going to cover 5 words of the day 

Learning new words is easy but practicing it in day to day life is really important 

so after reading a word try making a sentence to remember it.

so lets start with our words


Some thing that is inexpensive, that is reasonably priced you can easily buy it

Something that costs not to much high at very reasonable rates

You can use it this way

1 . At Shanti market you can buy stuff at affordable price.

2. jiya got nice clothes at affordable price

3. This area is much more affordable then ours

4. We are looking for affordable and mid priced hotels option

Expedite (शीघ्र)

You can use this word when you want some action or process  to happen sooner or be done more quickly.

in simple words 
speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken 

You can use it this way

1 We’ve got to expedite this order because the delivery time is near

2.Most of the company's charges more for expedite delivery

3. To expedite the approval process, you can go and meet them.

3 Good Riddance (छुटकारा)

You say Good riddance to say that you are happy that someone has left or that something has gone

In Hindi we say it as  "hassh gaya" 

In simple words

getting rid of things or person

You can use it this way

1  James and his dog are gone back to London its good riddance

2. If they can't accept me as I am i would say , good riddance to them.

3. I've thrown out all the old furniture, and good riddance! 


A strong feeling of wanting to have something, especially money or possessions 

In simple words being greedy or strong desire to get something mostly money

You can use it this way

There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small eyes of his.

2 we all knew about his cupidity.


When someone think over many times before acting or  pause before saying something is called hesitating.

You can use it this way

1. Don't hesitate, speak freely.

2. He hesitated slightly before answering his mom.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

5 words of the day 27-04-2019

Affordable  meaning in english and sentences  Expedite meaning in english and sentences  Good Riddance  meaning in english and sentences  Cupidity meaning in english and sentences  Hesitate  meaning in english and sentences beez vita
1 Affordable
Something that is inexpensive, that is reasonably priced you can easily buy it
Something that costs not to much high at very reasonable

Thursday, April 18, 2019

5 words of the day 18-04-2019 at Beez vita

Borrow meaning in english and sentences  Explicit meaning in english and sentences  Priority meaning in english and sentences  Portable meaning in english and sentences  Toil meaning in english and sentences
1 Borrow
If something that belongs to other and you are using and taking it with the intention of returning it.

You can use it this way

1. Jiya borrowed some bucks from rahul.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

5 words of the day 16-04-2019 at Bees vita

Regret meaning in english and example sentences  Emphasize meaning in english and example sentences  Arduous  meaning in english and example sentences  Void meaning in english and example sentences  Wound meaning in english and example sentences
1 Regret
Regret is a feeling of sadness or disappointment
about something sad, wrong or about a
mistake that you have made.
If someone says we 

Monday, April 15, 2019

5 words of the day 15-04-2019 at Beez vita

Over the Counter  meaning in english and example sentences  Stupendous meaning in english and example sentences  Intently meaning in english and example sentences  Adorable meaning in english and example sentences  Misfortune meaning in english and example sentences
1 Over the Counter when you can purchase with no need for a prescription or licence is called over the counter buying.

Like u can buy

Saturday, April 13, 2019

5 words of the day at Beezvita13-04-2019

words of the day Rigid meaning in english and example   sentences  Impromptu meaning in english and example sentences  Flaws meaning in english and example  sentences  Extravagant  meaning in english and example sentences  Cozy meaning in english and example sentences
1 Rigid
Something or someone that is stiff, fixed, hard, inflexible and not able to be bent or moved.

If you say a person is rigid it means he is stubborn, Stiff, inflexible and not very flexible person.

5 words of the day 12-04-2019

1 Glitch
A small problem or fault which stops something from working properly or being successful.

it's usually minor malfunction
it could be

Friday, April 12, 2019

5 words of the day 11-04-2019

Today's Words  1 Exquisite meaning and sentences   Invincible  meaning and sentences   Speedometer (in car) meaning and sentences   Immense meaning and sentences    Vivacious meaning and sentences  in english   at beezvita
1 Exquisite
Extremely beautiful and delicate. Something that is extremely felt used to describe feeling like extreme pain or something that is extreme 

You can use it this way

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

5 words daily

Today's Words 1. Leisure meaning and sentences 2. Introvert meaning and sentences 3.Acquaintance meaning and sentences 4.Coincidence meaning and sentences 5. Adjustment meaning and sentences at beez vita

Time when you are not working or occupied; free time

When you ask your friend you can say

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

At road vocabulary

At road vocabulary
1. Intersection
Road Intersection is where two or more roads meets.
Usually involves a crossing over of two streets or roads. In areas where there are blocks and in some other cases,

Monday, April 8, 2019

Travelling by Plane /at Airport Vocabulary

Travelling by Plane /at Airport Vocabulary  Today's Words   1. Aisle meaning and sentences   2.Prior To meaning and sentences   3.Boarding Pass meaning and sentences   4.Take off meaning and sentences   5.Turbulence  meaning and sentences  at beez vita
1 Aisle
Passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, an aircraft, or train.

You can ask the air attended this way

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Shopping vocabulary

Shopping vocabulary Today's Words  1. Formal meaning and sentences   2. casual meaning and sentences   3.Fashion meaning and sentences   4.Dressing room meaning and sentences   5.receipt meaning and sentences   at beez vita  5.Cahier meaning and sentences
1 Formal vs Casual Wear
Formal wear are those outfits which we carry for official purposes, party wear and wedding

Saturday, April 6, 2019

At work vocabulary with meaning and sentences

Go to work vs Get off work meaning and sentences  Laid off meaning and sentences  Work Remotely meaning and sentences    Shifts meaning and sentences  Commute meaning and sentences  At work vocabulary with meaning and sentences
1 Commute
Travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.

You can as your friend at work this way

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