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Thursday, August 1, 2024

5 words of the day vocabulary with meaning and example sentences in English and Hindi | Abruptly Meaning | Perhaps Meaning | Overpass Meaning | Trace Meaning | Reconcile Meaning with example example sentences in English and Hindi

Abruptly Meaning | Perhaps Meaning | Overpass Meaning | Trace Meaning | Reconcile Meaning with example example sentences in English  and Hindi
Expand Your Vocabulary with These New Words

Learning new words can be fun and enriching. Here are five words to add to your vocabulary, complete with their meanings and example sentences in both English and Hindi. Let's dive in!

1. Abruptly

Meaning of Abruptly in English Suddenly and unexpectedly.

If I say in simple words, it means happening quickly without warning.

Sentences of Abruptly in English

  1. The meeting ended abruptly without any conclusion.
  2. She left the room abruptly when she heard the news.
  3. The car stopped abruptly in the middle of the road.

Meaning in Hindi अचानक और अप्रत्याशित रूप से।

Sentences in Hindi

  1. बैठक बिना किसी निष्कर्ष के अचानक समाप्त हो गई।
  2. जब उसने खबर सुनी तो वह अचानक कमरे से चली गई।
  3. कार अचानक सड़क के बीच में रुक गई।

2. Perhaps

Meaning of Perhaps in English Possibly but not certainly; maybe.

If I say in simple words, it means maybe or possibly.

Sentences of Perhaps in English

  1. Perhaps we should try a different approach.
  2. He will come to the party, perhaps with his friend.
  3. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.

Meaning in Hindi संभवतः; शायद।

Sentences in Hindi

  1. शायद हमें एक अलग दृष्टिकोण आजमाना चाहिए।
  2. वह पार्टी में आएगा, शायद अपने दोस्त के साथ।
  3. शायद कल बारिश हो।

3. Overpass

Meaning of Overpass in English A bridge that allows one road to cross over another.

If I say in simple words, it is a bridge for crossing over a road or railway.

Sentences of Overpass in English

  1. The new overpass has reduced traffic congestion significantly.
  2. They took the overpass to avoid the busy intersection.
  3. The overpass provides a clear view of the city.

Meaning in Hindi एक पुल जो एक सड़क को दूसरी सड़क के ऊपर से पार करने की अनुमति देता है।

Sentences in Hindi

  1. नए ओवरपास ने यातायात जाम को काफी हद तक कम कर दिया है।
  2. वे व्यस्त चौराहे से बचने के लिए ओवरपास का उपयोग करते हैं।
  3. ओवरपास शहर का स्पष्ट दृश्य प्रदान करता है।

4. Trace

Meaning of Trace in English To find or discover by investigation; a mark or sign showing the existence of something.

If I say in simple words, it means to find or discover something or a small sign of something.

Sentences of Trace in English

  1. The police were able to trace the call to its origin.
  2. She could not find any trace of her lost ring.
  3. They traced the outline of the ancient building.

Meaning in Hindi जांच के द्वारा खोजना या पता लगाना; किसी चीज़ के अस्तित्व को दिखाने वाला निशान या संकेत।

Sentences in Hindi

  1. पुलिस कॉल के स्रोत का पता लगाने में सक्षम थी।
  2. उसे अपनी खोई हुई अंगूठी का कोई निशान नहीं मिला।
  3. उन्होंने प्राचीन इमारत की रूपरेखा का पता लगाया।

5. Reconcile

Meaning of Reconcile in English To restore friendly relations; to make consistent or compatible.

If I say in simple words, it means to make peace or bring into agreement.

Sentences of Reconcile in English

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    They decided to reconcile their differences and work together.
  2. She had to reconcile her expectations with reality.
  3. The accountant worked hard to reconcile the financial statements.

Meaning in Hindi मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंधों को बहाल करना; संगत या अनुकूल बनाना।

Sentences in Hindi

  1. उन्होंने अपने मतभेदों को दूर करने और साथ काम करने का निर्णय लिया।
  2. उसे अपनी अपेक्षाओं को वास्तविकता के साथ मिलाना पड़ा।
  3. लेखाकार ने वित्तीय विवरणों को मिलाने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत की
You can also Comment below with your sentences just for practice or words that you would like me to cover in the next post(It can be a new word that you must have heard and would like to share with beez family☺)

Thank you so much for all your support :)

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