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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 45

Something that is expensive, very costly,
rich looking, luxurious is called sumptuous

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Everyday Basic english phrases and expressions (part 2)

When it comes to English we get a little nervous so here
are few common phrases
we can use it in our daily in day to day conversation

They’re very common, but they’re used in regular
and familiar conversation, so you can use them in
your daily conversations....
Learn and practice these phrases and expressions,
use this in your daily life

1.Figure something out
When someone says we will figure something out
it means we will find a solution to solve the problem
- Don't worry we will figure it out

5 words of the day 10-06-2019 at Beez vita

Ambiance meaning and sentences  Mumble meaning and sentences  Set up the table meaning and sentences  Assumption meaning and sentences  Beside meaning and sentences
1. Ambiance

When you find some place delightful or the atmosphere of the place relaxed you can use this word. 
The mood, character, quality, tone, air, aura, climate, mood, feel, feeling, vibrations of a place can be called
as Ambiance

You can use it this way

Friday, April 17, 2020

Difference between and How to use This and That

Difference  between and How to use This and That at beez vitaIt sound really simple but yet it's a little confusing while we use This AND That


This is That most common  error and we usually
get confused with while using it.

When something/someone
is to near you or close to you you can use this,
it could be anything an
object,  a person or a place

When something/someone is to far form you can use the word that,it could
 be anything an object, a person or a place

when you are pointing a someone or something out you need
to use the word that

Thursday, April 16, 2020

5 words of the day vocabulary meaning with sentences DAY 44

1. Slog/Slogging
Now this one has different meanings
1. When you work hard on a project for
a long period of time to finish it you
can use this word
In simple words working hard for

Talking to Your Child’s Teacher: Simple Sentences & Phrases for Parents

As a parent, communicating with your child's teacher is important for their academic success and well-being. If English is not your firs...