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Monday, February 10, 2025

Easy English Sentences for Moms | Speak English with Kids Daily


Easy English Sentences for Moms | Speak English with Kids Daily

Introduction Welcome to today’s lesson! If you are a mom and want to speak English with your kids, this blog will help you learn simple and useful English sentences for everyday situations. These sentences will help you communicate with your child when they are sad, angry, frustrated, or scared. Whether you are a beginner or just looking to improve, this guide is perfect for you!

📺 Watch the Video Lesson Here:

1. Sentences for When Your Child is Sad

  1. "I see you’re sad. Do you want a hug?"

  2. "It’s okay to feel sad. I am here for you."

  3. "Do you want to talk about it?"

  4. "Let’s take deep breaths together."

  5. "I love you, even when you’re sad."

  6. "Let’s do something fun to feel better."

  7. "Would you like to cuddle with your teddy?"

  8. "I understand. That must have been hard."

  9. "I’m listening. Tell me what happened."

  10. "You are safe, and I am here for you."

2. Sentences for When Your Child is Angry

  1. "I see you’re mad. Let’s take a deep breath."

  2. "It’s okay to be angry, but let’s use kind words."

  3. "I know you are upset. I am listening."

  4. "Do you want to stomp your feet to let it out?"

  5. "Let’s count to five together."

  6. "Do you want to talk or take a little break?"

  7. "Hitting is not okay. Let’s find another way."

  8. "Would you like to squeeze your pillow?"

  9. "I love you even when you’re angry."

  10. "You are strong, and I know you’ll feel better soon."

3. Sentences for When Your Child is Frustrated

  1. "I see you’re trying. That’s great!"

  2. "It’s okay to feel frustrated. Let’s take a break."

  3. "Would you like some help?"

  4. "Let’s try again together."

  5. "I know it’s tricky, but you can do it!"

  6. "Let’s shake out the frustration!"

  7. "You don’t have to do it perfectly. Just try your best."

  8. "I’m proud of you for not giving up."

  9. "Want to take three deep breaths with me?"

  10. "Let’s find another way to solve this."

4. Sentences for When Your Child is Scared

  1. "You are safe. I am right here."

  2. "Come close, I’ll keep you safe."

  3. "I know that was scary, but you’re okay."

  4. "Let’s close our eyes and take a deep breath."

  5. "Do you want to hold my hand?"

  6. "That noise was loud, but it’s gone now."

  7. "You are brave! You can do this."

  8. "Let’s snuggle until you feel better."

  9. "I promise everything is okay."

  10. "You don’t have to be afraid. I’m here with you."

📌 Vocabulary List for Moms

Here are some useful words from this lesson:

  1. Sad – unhappy, feeling down

  2. Angry – mad, upset

  3. Scared – afraid, nervous

  4. Frustrated – upset because something is hard

  5. Hug – holding someone to show love

  6. Safe – not in danger, protected

  7. Calm – relaxed, not upset

  8. Deep breath – breathing in and out slowly

  9. Upset – feeling bad, sad, or angry

  10. Listen – paying attention to someone talking

  11. Talk – say words, have a conversation

  12. Brave – not afraid, strong inside

  13. Try again – do something one more time

  14. Help – give support, make things easier

  15. Alone – by yourself, no one else around

Final Thoughts

Speaking English with your child every day helps them learn faster and feel more confident. Start with these simple sentences and practice them in real-life situations. The more you use them, the more natural they will feel!

📌 Want more lessons? Check out my YouTube channel for more easy English sentences for moms!

🔗 Read more:

📢 Let me know in the comments: Which sentence do you use the most with your child?

Happy learning! 😊

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